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Platform Pack Refresh


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What exactly does a Platform Pack Refresh do and how do I know whether or not it ran successfully?  I'd selected to do a "refresh" on a PPK and got message "1 Platform Pack was submitted for refresh", however, the file date of the PPK didn't change nor did the Platform.log file list anything about a refresh.

I am running SDE version 2.0.2010.


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Hi Dita,

Right-clicking a Platform Pack and clicking Refresh will cause the console to refresh the information for that file (located in the \Platform Packs folder in your SmartDeploy working directory, which is C:\SmartDeploy\Platform Packs by default). So if you were to replace the pack with an updated version, and/remove items from it, etc., this would ensure that the latest information about that file is displaying properly in the console.

This functionality does not submit an update request or download a newer version of the pack (if available) - that is still a manual operation at this time. You can submit a request to update any Platform Pack here:



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