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Since upgrading to new version 2.0.1030 having problems.


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I've just created a new Windows 7 Enterprise image, I've used the new control panel to Build, Capture, & create offline USB stick sort of.

The media wizard keeps failing with the message

'An exception has occurred.'

Media Wizard will now close.

Any ideas, where are the logs located?

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Hi daizer,

The Media Wizard log is a text file called Media.log, located in C:\SmartDeploy\Logs (by default, unless you've selected a different location for the SmartDeploy folder structure).

Go ahead and send us the log at support (at) smartdeploy.com, and we'll be happy to assist further.

Be sure to reference this DeployCentral thread in your email.

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Below is the reply from the support team, This did the trick.

I can now create USB stick for offline deployment.

This is interesting as the .ppk files were directly downloaded from Smartdeploy from within the Smart Deploy Enterprise.

The Media Wizard is having issues copying your DellLatitudeE7250-Windows7.ppk. Perform the following:

· Right click on DellLatitudeE7250-Windows7.ppk
· Go to properties
· Click Unblock
· Click OK

Recreate your boot media via the Media Wizard and let us know your results.

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The above fix from the support team did not work for me. I simply didn't include a driver pack in my thumb drive creation and copied them over manually into the Z folder on the thumb drive after and this solved my issue. The log file had issues copying the content over.

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