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Cant capture image


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Hello All,

First post & I am already looking for help :)

I'm trying to capture my first windows 7 pro image.

When I run the capture wizard it gives me the following message "The virtual machine you are attempting to capture appears to be in the middle of running updates. Please complete the updates and try again."

Problem is it's not updating, the image is fully patch & upto date!!

I've tried to capture the image with the virtual instance running & not running with the same message.

Any help out there?



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Make sure you have started up and shutdown your VM several times after running updates.

If you have done that, and still recieve the error, then the registry keys probably didn't get properly cleaned up.

In your virtual reference machine, check the following registry keys.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\PackagesPending

If that key exists, and you are sure all the updates are complete, you can delete it and it should resolve the issue.


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