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issue capturing virtual disks with latest SD version

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Hello, I recently upgraded to the latest version of SD enterprise, and the VMDK files ive been using before the upgrade are no longer working. The error generated is " unable to connect to virtual disk". Has anyone encountered this problem yet? I have a call in with SD support, but wanted to ask here in case someone got back quicker. Thanks!

Logs from the capture app below:

6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : <.ctor>b__2,ShowModal,WriteToLog : MessageBox : Capture Wizard : Scanning disks, please wait...
6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : LoadVHDVolumes,GetVirtualDisksAndVolumes,WriteToLog : Virtual disk file name: J:\8.1 x64\Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64\Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64.vmdk
6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : LoadVHDVolumes,GetVirtualDisksAndVolumes,WriteToLog : Querying volumes.
6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : GetVirtualDisksAndVolumes,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : J:\8.1 x64\Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64\Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64.vmdk exists.
6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : Connect,ProcessException,WriteToLog : Exception Message:Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference Inner Exception:null Details:Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object ) at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Components.SmartVDK.Connect(String virtualDiskFileName, Boolean readOnly) StackTrace: at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object ) at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Components.SmartVDK.Connect(String virtualDiskFileName, Boolean readOnly)
6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : ProcessException,ProcessException,WriteToLog : Exception Message:Unable to connect to the virtual disk. Inner Exception:null Details:System.Exception: Unable to connect to the virtual disk. at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.ExceptionManager.#jp(SDEError #mT) at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.DiskManager.GetVirtualDisksAndVolumes(String virtualDiskFileName, IList`1& outCurrentVirtualDisks, ObservableCollection`1& outCurrentVirtualDiskVolumesToCapture, Boolean bypassCaching) StackTrace: at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.ExceptionManager.#jp(SDEError #mT) at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.DiskManager.GetVirtualDisksAndVolumes(String virtualDiskFileName, IList`1& outCurrentVirtualDisks, ObservableCollection`1& outCurrentVirtualDiskVolumesToCapture, Boolean bypassCaching)
6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : <.ctor>b__4,ShowModal,WriteToLog : MessageBox : Capture Wizard : Unable to connect to the virtual disk.
6/5/2015 8:35:13 AM : <.ctor>b__2,ShowModal,WriteToLog : MessageBox : Capture Wizard : Searching for operating systems, please wait...
6/5/2015 8:35:14 AM : OnClick,Button3_Click,WriteToLog : Capture Wizard, Unable to connect to the virtual disk., OK

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Usually if there is anti-virus on the host or the actual image this error occurs. If you have AV on your host, disable and try to capture again. If on image, remove it and attempt to capture again. Another instance when we have seen this error is if the VM is in a bad state. We recommend starting the virtual reference machine, restarting it, then gracefully shutting it down if this is the case. Then again, attempt to recapture.


SmartDeploy Support

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No antivirus on the host at this point, and I have 4 VMDK's that all worked literally just before the upgrade of smart deploy. All 4 give the same error at this point, unable to connect to virtual disk. If I need to boot my VM's back up, shut them down and copy them from the datastore's again, that's pretty crappy. It will take me probably 1 1/2 days to copy all of the VM's from their datastores again.

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