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Fatal error while trying to sysprep the machine


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I'm deploying Windows 8.1 (32 bit) on a Lenovo T60 with 3Gb of RAM and 50Gb SSD. On reboot the sysprep windows appears and then a pop-up window with the error "A fatal error occurred while tying to sysprep the machine".

The machine is a bit under powered but should be able to run Win 8.1 for testing.

Any help or pointers would be appreciated.


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I followed the tip found on the forum post below relating to "clean shutdown" and closed the VM with "shutdown.exe /s /t 0" but still have the "A fatal error occurred while tying to sysprep the machine" when imaging the machine (Lenovo T60, 3Gb RAM, 55 HDD).
I will try a manual install of Windows.
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Hi Michael,

Once you receive the fatal sysprep error, please reboot your machine back into our SmartPE environment. Hit shift-F10 on the splash screen and a command prompt should be displayed. Browse to C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Panther\Setupact.log. This log may be in the D:\ file path as well depending on your drive structure. Save that log to a USB/Network drive and send it to support@smartdeploy.log and we can investigate what may be going on.


SmartDeploy Support

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