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Deployment Media Creation Error after selecting the Answer file

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When creating or updating a Deployment media, I am receiving the below error.


I looked at the answer file in VS Code and found nothing wrong. 

Here is the code it is having an issue with:

 <welcome skip="0">

Position 17 is after the "i" in skip.  This is not affecting anything with creating the media or imaging.



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I am not the account holder and do not have permission to submit a ticket. And since the attachment size limit is currently at 467Bytes, here is the text from the Log surrounding the error:

4/27/2021 4:08:58 PM : 5  : #blh,LoadAnswerFile,WriteToLog : Answer file location: E:\SmartDeploy\Answer Files\Win10_2009_Lenovo.xml
4/27/2021 4:08:58 PM : 5  : #blh,ParseAnswerFile,WriteToLog : <smartdeploy version="2.0" version_debug="2.0.3090.12085">    <deploy_wizard mode="Unattended">      <welcome skip="0">        <hide_options_button>false</hide_options_button>      </welcome>      <select_image_source skip="0">        <deployment_type>Local</deployment_type>      </select_image_source>      <cloud_platform_authentication skip="0">        <cloud_platform />        <refresh_token>[REMOVED]</refresh_token>      </cloud_platform_authentication>      <select_cloud_image />      <select_image skip="0">        <image_file>\\\SmartDeploy\Images\Windows 10 x64 v2009 04-20-21.wim</image_file>        <image_name>Windows 10 x64 v2009 04-20-21</image_name>      </select_image>      <application_packs skip="0">        <location>\\\SmartDeploy\Application Packs</location>        <application_pack installation_order="1">LenovoSystemUpdate.spk</application_pack>        <application_pack installation_order="2">PolicyPak.spk</application_pack>        <application_pack installation_order="3">PowerShell - EnableSystemRestore.spk</application_pack>      </application_packs>      <disk_options skip="0">        <!-- 0 = Recreate drives, 1 = Wipe & load drives, 2 = SmartMigrate -->        <disk_option>0</disk_option>      </disk_options>      <product_key skip="0">        <product_key />      </product_key>      <end_user_license_agreement skip="1">        <accept_eula>false</accept_eula>      </end_user_license_agreement>      <user_information skip="0">        <full_name>Windows User</full_name>        <organization_name />      </user_information>      <regional_settings skip="0">        <time_zone>(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)</time_zone>        <input_locale>English (United States)</input_locale>      </regional_settings>      <display_settings skip="0">        <resolution>Auto Detect</resolution>        <color_depth>Auto Detect</color_depth>        <refresh_rate>Auto Detect</refresh_rate>      </display_settings>      <network_tcpip_settings skip="0">        <ipv4>          <!-- 0 = Obtain an IP address automatically, 1 = Use the following IP address -->          <static>0</static>          <ip_address />          <subnet_mask />          <default_gateway />          <preferred_dns_server />          <alternate_dns_server />          <preferred_wins_server />          <alternate_wins_server />        </ipv4>      </network_tcpip_settings>      <network_identification skip="0">        <computer_name />        <!-- 0 = Domain, 1 = Workgroup, 2 = Azure Domain Join -->        <membership>0</membership>        <domain>[REMOVED]</domain>        <domain_options>          <option></option>        </domain_options>        <organizational_unit>OU=Workstations,OU=Eastman &amp; Smith Workstations Win10,DC=eastmansmith,DC=private</organizational_unit>        <organizational_unit_options>          <option></option>        </organizational_unit_options>        <workgroup />      </network_identification>      <join_domain_credentials skip="0">        <username>[REMOVED]</username>        <domain>[REMOVED]</domain>        <password>[REMOVED]</password>      </join_domain_credentials>      <wds_credentials>        <server />        <username>[REMOVED]</username>        <domain>[REMOVED]</domain>        <password>[REMOVED]</password>      </wds_credentials>      <client skip="0">        <install_during_deployment>true</install_during_deployment>        <console_server_name_or_ip_address></console_server_name_or_ip_address>        <use_installed_certificate_thumbprint>true</use_installed_certificate_thumbprint>        <certificate>1. *</certificate>        <certificate_thumbprint>33604BD777C1BACA8C8F7B8CE6B1CD13867404EE</certificate_thumbprint>        <certificate_text>Issued To: CN=*  Issued By: CN=SmartDeploy Console/Client Service Root CA  Thumbprint: 33604BD777C1BACA8C8F7B8CE6B1CD13867404EE</certificate_text>        <use_custom_certificate_thumbprint>false</use_custom_certificate_thumbprint>        <custom_certificate_thumbprint></custom_certificate_thumbprint>      </client>      <summary skip="0">        <hide_export_button>false</hide_export_button>      </summary>      <completion skip="0" />      <advanced_options>        <general>          <platform_pack skip="0">\\\SmartDeploy\Platform Packs</platform_pack>          <system_properties>            <system_property enabled="1">DISABLE_SYSTEM_RESTORE</system_property>            <system_property enabled="0">RESTORE_DRIVE_LETTERS</system_property>            <system_property enabled="0">ENABLE_ADMINISTRATOR_ACCOUNT</system_property>            <system_property enabled="1">PRESERVE_CRASH_CONTROL_SETTINGS</system_property>            <system_property enabled="1">PRESERVE_DESKTOP_ICONS</system_property>          </system_properties>          <configure_bios>false</configure_bios>          <reboot_after_deployment>true</reboot_after_deployment>          <shutdown_after_deployment>false</shutdown_after_deployment>        </general>        <identification skip="0">          <!-- 0 = Assign a new computer name automatically, 1 = Use the following naming method -->          <naming_mode />          <naming_methods>            <method>CUSTOM</method>            <method>EXISTING</method>            <method>WMI</method>          </naming_methods>          <custom_naming_scheme>ES-########</custom_naming_scheme>          <prefix>ES-</prefix>          <wmi_query>SELECT SMBIOSAssetTag FROM Win32_SystemEnclosure</wmi_query>        </identification>        <migration skip="0">          <protected_folder>Backup</protected_folder>          <virtualization_platform />          <create_desktop_shortcut>false</create_desktop_shortcut>          <files_to_exclude />        </migration>        <tasks />      </advanced_options>      <settings>        <active_directory />        <network_shares skip="0">          <network_share>            <local_name>Z:</local_name>            <remote_name>\\\SmartDeploy</remote_name>            <username>[REMOVED]</username>            <domain>[REMOVED]</domain>            <password>[REMOVED]</password>          </network_share>        </network_shares>        <proxy_server>          <proxy_server_url />          <username>[REMOVED]</username>          <password>[REMOVED]</password>        </proxy_server>        <session_id />        <unattend_delay>10</unattend_delay>      </settings>    </deploy_wizard>  </smartdeploy>
4/27/2021 4:08:59 PM : 1  : <.ctor>b__4,ShowModal,WriteToLog : MessageBox : Media Wizard : '<' is an unexpected token. The expected token is ';'. Line 3, position 17.
4/27/2021 4:08:59 PM : 5  : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT Manufacturer FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
4/27/2021 4:08:59 PM : 5  : ExecuteQuery,CallSite.Target,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT Manufacturer FROM Win32_ComputerSystem returned 1 results.
4/27/2021 4:20:19 PM : 1  : InvokeHandler,Button3_Click,WriteToLog : Media Wizard, '<' is an unexpected token. The expected token is ';'. Line 3, position 17., OK


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Hi Aaron,

I was able to create media with your answer file, which leads me to believe it's not related to the answer file. I assume this happens with every answer file you create?

Can you post your C:\SmartDeploy\Logs\Console.log from the SmartDeploy host?



SmartDeploy Support

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Worked with Aaron to get this resolved. If anyone in the future has this issue, please try the following:

In file explorer, browse to %temp%. Delete all files/folders out of that directory and reattempt to create your boot media. 




SmartDeploy Support

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/28/2021 at 3:34 PM, SmartDeploySupport said:

Worked with Aaron to get this resolved. If anyone in the future has this issue, please try the following:

In file explorer, browse to %temp%. Delete all files/folders out of that directory and reattempt to create your boot media. 




SmartDeploy Support

Devon, I am still getting this. I went to %temp% and there is nothing there to delete except SquirrelSetup.log and a VMWare folder.


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Hi Aaron,

So the issue came back? Please send us your latest C:\SmartDeploy\Logs\Media.log from the SmartDeploy host to support@smartdeploy.com and reference this thread and I can take a look.



SmartDeploy Support

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4 minutes ago, SmartDeploySupport said:

Hi Aaron,

So the issue came back? Please send us your latest C:\SmartDeploy\Logs\Media.log from the SmartDeploy host to support@smartdeploy.com and reference this thread and I can take a look.



SmartDeploy Support

Thanks Devon. The logs have been sent over to you.

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