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Preconfigure Wireless Network Settings ?


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On a workstation that's connected to the network, run the following command: (You may need to verify your interface name) 

      netsh wlan export profile name="NameOfWirelessNetwork" folder=c:\temp interface="Wireless Network Connection"

Then copy the NameOfWirelessNetwork.xml file to a place on your reference VM like C:\Temp\

Then you'd add a 'At First Logon' task to your Answer File, using the Tasks tab in the Advanced settings of the Answer File wizard with the following command:

      cmd /c netsh wlan add profile filename="C:\Temp\NameOfWirelessNetwork.xml"

Alternatively, you could keep the xml on a network share, and use GPO to import the wlan profile. You may also need to do some tweaking to the xml file dpending on which security method you use. You an find examples on TechNet for this. 

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