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Deploying image via WDS

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I am trying to deploy an image via Windows Deployment Service and so far the image has been applied to client machines. However, platform packs and Smartdeploy.xml is not being applied to the machine after the imaging process. As a result, the image doesn’t have any drivers installed including the network card, graphics card and etc. My question is: What is the exact location that I can put the platform packs (default.ppk) and .xml file in WDS server so clients will point to it while deploying the image. I tried putting a driver package to WDS server under Drivers and I was getting an error: “E:\RemoteInstall\Images\Default.ppk is not a directory. Please enter an existing directory”.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

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Hi Gutsy,

I replied to your email as well, so let's continue the discussion there. But I'll go ahead and answer this for anyone else running into the same issue.

1. SmartDeploy automatically looks for a compatible Platform Pack in the same directory where the image is stored at deployment time. So in this case, it would be on your WDS server, in the path:

2. The SmartDeploy.xml file must be specified in Media Wizard, and from the behavior you describe (the image automatically being applied), it sounds as if it is being used correctly - the image is just applying without a compatible Platform Pack.

3. Just a reminder -  you do not need to combine Platform Packs into a single Default.ppk file - you can just leave them as individual files.



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