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Customize Answer File with SIM


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We currently running an evaluation of Smart Deploy to replace our long in the tooth Ghost 2.5 application. I'm far from an imaging expert, but I've been creating standard images for my company for a couple years now so the task of finding a cost effective/simple/efficient imaging solution has fallen to me.

My question is; can I customize my Smart Deploy answer file in the same manner as I did with SIM (Windows System Image Manager)? I noticed how the smart deploy answer file is not broken down into sections (PE, generalize, specialize, ext.) like SIM created answer files.



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Hi Dan,

The SmartDeploy answer file (SmartDeploy.xml) is not related to the Windows Setup Unattended answer file (Unattend.xml).  SmartDeploy uses a simple wizard driven interface to answer the questions necessary for Windows Deployment.  SmartDeploy uses that information to then create an Unattned.xml, and runs Sysprep at deployment time.

The SmartDeploy answer file is simply used to automate those Deploy Wizard questions if you wish.

If there is something specific you're trying to do and don't see it, then let us know.


SmartDeploy Support

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