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PC Refresh - USMT

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Is there anyone that can help with setting up SmartDeploy to refresh computers? I found an old DeployCentral post on it but it doesn't work with my version of SmartDeploy. I keep getting to a point where it states not enough space to complete, but it doesn't specify what doesn't have enough space. I've made sure there is enough space on the computer.

Any help with this would be great.

SmartDeploy v 2.0.1070

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Hi there,

If by "refreshing", you're talking about leaving the previous OS installation on a target device intact during deployment, this is not supported. However, SmartDeploy does have some Migration options built in:

  • Protected backup folder: If you select the Wipe and Load Drives disk option in Deploy Wizard, this will automatically leave the disk structure of the target device intact. All data on the target drive will be wiped, except for a protected backup folder (the default location is C:\Backup, but this is configurable in the Deploy Wizard Advanced Options on the Migration tab).

  • Integration with USMT: We have a white paper on how to integrate SmartDeploy with the User-State Migration Tool (USMT) available in the Resource Library on our Support page. Here is a direct link as well.

If you're receiving issues with "not enough space" this is likely specific to a particular device or device-model - please reach out to us at support (at) smartdeploy.com to troubleshoot that further. We would need to know what the make/model of the device is, what procedure you attempted, and what result occurred, and we can help troubleshoot from there.


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Hi there,

Then the USMT guide is what you'll want to use. Please feel free to reach out at support (at) smartdeploy.com if you have any questions or issues.

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