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Local GPO settings do not deploy


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Hi mapote,

Local group policy will not persist through a Sysprep and deployment – depending what settings you’re trying to update, you may find the method described here useful:

Although from what I’m finding, this method will only succeed for settings that are machine-specific (in the “Computer Configuration” node), not user-specific (in the “User Configuration” node), as the latter are tied to a specific account identifier that will not match on the target machine.

If you have any further questions, please shoot us an email at support (at) smartdeploy.com, and be sure to reference this DeployCentral thread.

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Hi, @mapote,

For certain policy settings, we just enforce them by changing the necessary Windows registry values using a script that is run at the Specialize/MiniSetup phase. This has proved feasible for Windows Update settings and other settings than can be defined in the HKLM\Software\Policies branch of the registry.

Hope this will be of help :-)

-- Javier Llorente

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