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Windows Surface Pro 4 Imaging fails "An exception has occurred"


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Hi all. New to SD and have successfully been deploying to Dells and Lenovos just fine but now have the need to start with Windows Surface Pro 4 tablets. Using USB media to test, imaging fails during the Provisioning disks process with the message "An exception has occurred" and stops. This makes the Surface un-bootable. so I need to do a Surface "recover" routine to get it working again.

These Surface Pro 4's have 8GB and 250GB SSD (not that it matters) and I have the proper Surface Pro 4 platform pack on the USB drive.

The USB media was created using "SmartPE (64-bit) [uEFI/Legacy boot, FAT32 media] -- I tried using Legacy boot only and that will not boot the Surface at all.

Any thoughts?



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This may have something to do with your Windows 10 image. You'll want to download the latest Windows 10 .iso that includes the 1511 update from Microsoft Volume Licensing and create a brand new VM from that .iso. Once it's at the desktop, perform a full shutdown with "shutdown /s /t 0" then capture that VM and retest your deployment.


SmartDeploy Support

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have the ISO and performed a clean install but none of our vol lic Win7 keys are working to activate it. If I understand this correctly, a clean install requires a new license key but I am not positive about that. so I have no update. If anyone has seen this before and have a solution, please let me know.

I may try again with the win7 to 10 upgrade and perform the shutdown as Support suggested above and see how that goes....



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