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Multiple Images Network Deployment


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So I am a newbie to SD, I have been able to deploy a single image right now and I was wondering how Smart Deploy would handle a scenario of 2 images. The answer key I created points to one image and I didn't see a prompt with any other options.

Do I have to create another boot image with its own answer key and load it into WDS, and if so, how would I select it upon boot?


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Yes, you could have another boot image with it's own answer file and load it to WDS as well. When you import the boot image you will have the option to name it. You could name the boot images like the following for example and would be able choose which one you desire upon PXE boot of the target machine. This is what most users do.

Windows 7 - Standard Image

Windows 8.1 - Sales image


Or you could have one boot image, and have everything automated in the answer file except the Select Image screen where you could select which image you would like to choose. We can provide you with those steps if you would like.


SmartDeploy Support

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