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FAQ: 5 things you should know about upgrading to SmartDeploy v1.1.4000 and later

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In addition to a number of fixes and performance improvements, SmartDeploy Enterprise v1.1.4000 and later supports UEFI enabled devices, such as the Microsoft Surface Pro 3. If you’re upgrading from a previous version of SmartDeploy, you may notice a few changes. We’ve prepared this blog post to help you understand what has changed in order to make your upgrade process as smooth as possible.

  • Simple SmartDeploy upgrade
    Simply download and run the installer. That’s it! Your previous SmartDeploy license key automatically carries forward into the new version. If you need to install SmartDeploy on a different computer and do not have your license key on file, email licensing@smartdeploy.com.
  • Track your SmartDeploy license utilization
    SmartDeploy, like most enterprise software offerings, is licensed on a per-machine basis. You need a license for the total number of computers that you deploy with the software. You can login and see what devices that you’ve deployed through the SmartDeploy Licensing Portal.
  • UEFI support requires Windows PE x64
    There is a new dropdown available in Media Wizard to create x86 or x64 boot or deployment media. Support for UEFI requires an x64 WinPE environment, and this is now the default option in SmartDeploy. Optionally, you can still select an x86 environment to deploy x86 or x64 Windows operating systems to legacy devices.
  • UEFI requires FAT32 media formatting
    UEFI is an industry standard replacement for legacy BIOS. All UEFI-enabled USB media must be formatted with a FAT32 file system. SmartDeploy has always used NTFS formatting for boot media but in order to support UEFI devices, we had to make this change. Existing customers that have WIMs or PPKs larger than 4GB should be aware of this change.

    As you may already realize, the FAT32 standard does not support single files larger than 4GB. If you select offline deployment media, SmartDeploy will automatically split WIMs that exceed the 4GB size limitation when you run the Media Wizard. However, if you have a PPK larger than 4GB, you will need to use individual PPKs. SmartDeploy can still process a Default.ppk file that is less than 4GB, but you no longer need to combine PPK files. Simply download each PPK and place them in the same directory. When you run the Media Wizard, browse to that directory and SmartDeploy will take care of the rest.

    Please note, if you’re currently using network (PXE) boot to distribute your boot image over WDS, or if you’re using USB boot media to point to an image that is stored on a mapped network drive, you don’t need to worry about 4GB FAT32 file size limitations. Your WIM files and Platform Packs will continue to work exactly as they did before.
  • Download the latest Platform Packs
    We have updated nearly every PPK in the library to support the newer versions of our product as well as new drivers from the manufacturers. Please check the version of the PPK that you have against the latest version on the website. If there is a newer version available, it is recommended that you use that version. After you’ve updated you PPK library, simply re-run the Media Wizard before your next deployment.
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  • 1 year later...

I received an email about v2.0.2070 available, I previously skipped over v 2.0.2040. I'm up to date prior to that.

Do I need to create new boot media for any supported version of Windows or update any of my images when upgrading to v2.0.2070?
NOTE: We currently use 2 deployment methods, one via WDS for PXE booting and the other for booting from CD/DVD.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/12/2017 at 6:47 AM, LJRiveraSR said:

I received an email about v2.0.2070 available, I previously skipped over v 2.0.2040. I'm up to date prior to that.

Do I need to create new boot media for any supported version of Windows or update any of my images when upgrading to v2.0.2070?
NOTE: We currently use 2 deployment methods, one via WDS for PXE booting and the other for booting from CD/DVD.

Yes, you will need to create new boot media each time you update SmartDeploy.

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