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Keyboard Layout


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We use the following setting in our company :

Regional Settings : UK English

Keyboard Layout : Swiss French

I did try in many ways to set that in the unattended file but it does never works. In best case, I am able to set the English UK regional Settings but no way to set the keyboard by default.

I did try that :

<time_zone>(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna</time_zone>

Or that :


Or that :


The real problem is that Smartdeploy doesn't provide any documentation on unattended file. Would be great to have some work on that point as you need at least 45 minutes to test any change made in that file, which mean a huge waste of time when you try the software.

Thanks in advance ;)

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You will want to generate your answer file via the Deploy Wizard. When choosing the above language settings, the following is set in the answer file:

<regional_settings skip="0">
<time_zone>(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna</time_zone>
<input_locale>English (United Kingdom)</input_locale>
Please try that and let us know your results.
SmartDeploy Support
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I did also try to configure the following post command :

<command>cmd.exe /k reg add "HKU\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload" /v 1 /t REG_SZ /d 0000100c /f</command>
But nothing happens(as the CMD.exe /K should keep the command prompt open) and the parameter I try to modify in the registry isn't changed .
Here is the deploy.log:
7/20/2015 3:10:21 PM : Deploy,WriteMasterSection,WriteToLog : =============== EXECUTING POSTIMAGE TASKS ===============
7/20/2015 3:10:21 PM : Deploy,ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,WriteToLog : Processing all but PREIMAGE Tasks: Answer file.
7/20/2015 3:10:21 PM : #Im,LogTypePropertyValues,WriteToLog : ID: Command:cmd.exe /k reg add "HKU\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload" /v 1 /t REG_SZ /d 0000100c /f Phase:FIRSTBOOT PhaseID:0 UserName: Password: Domain: LastValidationErrorMessage: IsSkipped:False IsSkippedFromAnswerFile:False IsDebugSkipped:False HasErrors:False
7/20/2015 3:10:21 PM : #Im,LogTypePropertyValues,WriteToLog : ID: Command:net user Administrator /active:yes Phase:SPECIALIZE PhaseID:0 UserName: Password: Domain: LastValidationErrorMessage: IsSkipped:False IsSkippedFromAnswerFile:False IsDebugSkipped:False HasErrors:False
7/20/2015 3:10:21 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Task count: 2
7/20/2015 3:10:21 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Updating registry with FIRSTBOOT task: #1 Command:cmd.exe /k reg add "HKU\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload" /v 1 /t REG_SZ /d 0000100c /f
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Updating unattend.xml with SPECIALIZE task: net user Administrator /active:yes
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : AddSynchronousCommand,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : T:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml exists.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : AddSynchronousCommand,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : T:\Windows\system32\sysprep\unattend.xml exists.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : Deploy,ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,WriteToLog : Processing all but PREIMAGE Tasks: Manufacturer, Model, OS and Device.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE '%VMware%'
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE '%VMware%' returned 1 results.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetManufacturerElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : WMI, SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE '%VMware%', True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Manufacturer.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE '%Virtual Platform%'
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE '%Virtual Platform%' returned 1 results.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetModelElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : WMI, SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE '%Virtual Platform%', True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Model.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x86, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO ServerNT, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO WinNT, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSVersionMajor] EQUAL_TO 6, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSVersionMinor] EQUAL_TO 1, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Operating System.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Devices.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Task count: 0
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : Deploy,ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,WriteToLog : Processing all but PREIMAGE Tasks: Manufacturer, Model, OS and Device.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE '%VMware%'
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE '%VMware%' returned 1 results.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetManufacturerElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : WMI, SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE '%VMware%', True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Manufacturer.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE '%Virtual Platform%'
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ExecuteQuery,ExecuteQuery,WriteToLog : Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE '%Virtual Platform%' returned 1 results.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetModelElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : WMI, SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE '%Virtual Platform%', True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Model.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x86, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x86, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO WinNT, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSVersionMajor] EQUAL_TO 5, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x86, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO ServerNT, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x86, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO ServerNT, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x86, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO WinNT, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSVersionMajor] EQUAL_TO 6, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSVersionMinor] EQUAL_TO 0, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO ServerNT, False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSArchitecture] EQUAL_TO x64, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSProductType] EQUAL_TO WinNT, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSVersionMajor] EQUAL_TO 6, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : GetOperatingSystemElement,#Gm,WriteToLog : Internal, [OSVersionMinor] EQUAL_TO 1, True
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Operating System.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Retrieving tasks for Devices.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : ProcessAllExceptPreImageTasks,#Im,WriteToLog : Task count: 0
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : UpdateGuiRunOnce,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : T:\Sysprep\sysprep.inf does not exist.
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : UpdateGuiRunOnce,WriteToLog,WriteToLog : NULL
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : UpdateGuiRunOnce,WriteToLog,WriteToLog : False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : UpdateGuiRunOnce,WriteToLog,WriteToLog : False
7/20/2015 3:10:22 PM : IsLicensed,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : X:\Windows\System32\SmartDeploy.lic exists.
7/20/2015 3:10:23 PM : WriteIdentificationSection,get_HardwareID,WriteToLog : HardwareID: 920A9238-2D65-7343-B404-34A042D6A03F
7/20/2015 3:10:23 PM : Deploy,CopyFile,WriteToLog : Copying X:\Windows\Temp\Deploy.log to T:\WINDOWS\Debug\Deploy.log
7/20/2015 3:10:23 PM : CopyFile,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : T:\WINDOWS\Debug exists.
Thanking you in advance.
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