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New Install Problem


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I'm hoping I can get some help with my issue. I just installed SmartDeploy on my computer. We currently use VMware vSphere. After running the Build Wizard within SmartDeploy, the vm will not open with VMware vSphere. After looking at the requirements, I have also tried with VMware Player and WMware Workstation. With the Player and Workstation, I get an error saying that it doesn't support 64-bit OS. I am trying to install Windows 8.1 64-bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm obviously missing something here.


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Hi Ashley,

You do not have to use the build wizard to create your virtual reference machines. We originally designed the build wizard to help users that were not familiar with virtualization products. You can simply build your virtual reference machines via the virtualization product itself. For example, VMWARE you can just select File->New Virtual Machine. Just be sure the hard disk is stored in a single file. VMware does support x64 so, please be sure you have the latest version of the VMware product.


SmartDeploy Support

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Please fully update your Windows 8.1 VM, then run a command prompt and perform the following command:

Shutdown.exe /s /t 0

Once shutdown, then you can run capture wizard and then run the media wizard to create your boot media. You can find more User Guides/videos on www.smartdeploy.com for more information.


SmartDeploy Support

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Ok, I finally got the image created. Now, when I create the media through Media Wizard, I choose Create Offiline Deployment Media on a USB drive. I select the image and platform pack. It states that it was successful. Now when I boot to the usb drive, and choose Deploy an Image on the Welcome to SmartDeploy Enterprise screen, I am unable to find the image file when I click Browse. I only show the Local Disk (C:) and Boot (X:). The USB drive does not show.

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