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XML Answer File Questions

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When using the Deploy Wizard the first things you are asked to do is choose Deploy an image and then Select Image. Apparently you need to manually click on Deploy an image and then manually browse to the file location of your wim image. How do you automate this part of the process? If I am imaging a larger group of computers at once, do I really have to visit each machine and manually point it at the location of the wim file? I was thinking there would be a way to edit the XML answer file to include the additional information needed so the Deploy Wizard would run through all of these steps unattended.

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You can create an answer file that will have all your desired settings and mappings so you don't have to input or map to a WIM with every deployment. To do so, please perform the following:

- Boot to your boot media

- Select "Deploy an Image"

- Proceed through the Deploy Wizard choosing all desired options, mapping the drive, etc until you reach the Summary page

- Click the Export button and choose the type of deployment you want. Unattended or attended.

- Open the Media Wizard

- Proceed through the Media Wizard until you reach the Optional Components page

- You'll see a browse button to browse to an answer file. Click browse and browse to the above answer file you exported and complete the wizard

- Boot to newly created media

- If you chose unattended you will see a 1min countdown before your deployment starts. If you chose an attended deployment you will see all the options already populated with the settings you chose previously when you proceed through the Deploy Wizard


SmartDeploy Support

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