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Prompt For Computer Filename


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When using the deploy wizard, I have numerous custom settings (e.g. joining domain, time zone, language), that I know can be exported to an XML file.

My first question is: How does one apply this XML file during the deploy phase?

My second question is: The only setting that would be changing from machine to machine is the computer name. Can I be prompted to change this on the fly?

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Andrew,

Please perform the following to use your answer file.

Steps To Export your answer file

  • Boot to SmartPE
  • Proceed through the wizard while customizing your deployment settings
  • Proceed to the summary page and click export
  • When asked "Is the answer file for use in an unattended installation" select no.
  • Export your answer file

Steps to change your answer file to stop on the Network Identification page (So you can change the computer name)

You can set the skip value for each page in your answer file.

Skip value: 0 = Do not skip

Skip value: 1 = Skip

Since you want the DeployWizard to stop on the network identification page. you would enter a skip value of 1 to every page you didn't want the user to see and keep a skip value of 0 on the network identification page. For example for the network identification page you would change the following:

<network_identification skip="0">
<computer_name />
<!-- 0 = Domain, 1 = Workgroup -->
<domain />
<organizational_unit />

Remember to set the skip value of 1 for the other pages in the answer file, that way the only page that is displayed is the Network identification page so you can change the name of the machine.

Steps to use answer file:

  • Start Media Wizard
  • Proceed to the Optional Components page
  • Browse to your answer file and select the answer file you exported in the steps above
  • Finish the media wizard
  • Boot to newly created media

Now when you click on "Deploy an image" it should automatically proceed to the network identification page.


SmartDeploy Support

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