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Error 1392


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Getting a 1392 error while trying to deploy an image, it is a pretty basic image, no AV included but it fails at the end of applying the image. Not really sure where to start looking.


3/11/2020 4:45:25 PM : 4  : ApplyImage,WriteToLog,WriteToLog : 1392
3/11/2020 4:45:25 PM : 4  : Deploy,Apply,WriteToLog : Apply returned: 1392
3/11/2020 4:45:25 PM : 4  : Deploy,Apply,WriteToLog : The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
3/11/2020 4:45:25 PM : 4  : Apply,ProcessException,WriteToLog : --------------- EXCEPTION ---------------
3/11/2020 4:45:25 PM : 4  : Apply,ProcessException,WriteToLog : Exception      Message:An error occurred while applying the image.  Code: 1392      Inner Exception:null      Details:System.Exception: An error occurred while applying the image.  Code: 1392     at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.ExceptionManager.RaiseException(SDEError #cQ, Int64 #xk)     at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.SmartWIMManager.Apply(SelectImageModel selectImageModel, WimInformationModel wimInformationModel, WindowsImageModel windowsImageModel, String targetDosDevicePath, Boolean reinstantiateSmartWIM, Boolean isCloudBased)      StackTrace:   at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.ExceptionManager.RaiseException(SDEError #cQ, Int64 #xk)     at Common.SmartDeploy.SL.Managers.SmartWIMManager.Apply(SelectImageModel selectImageModel, WimInformationModel wimInformationModel, WindowsImageModel windowsImageModel, String targetDosDevicePath, Boolean reinstantiateSmartWIM, Boolean isCloudBased)
3/11/2020 4:45:25 PM : 4  : SendDeployLogAndProcessCloud,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : X:\Windows\TEMP\Deploy.log exists.
3/11/2020 4:45:29 PM : 4  : RestoreBCDFromLast,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : [NO DRIVE LETTERS] does not exist.
3/11/2020 4:45:29 PM : 4  : GetPhysicalDisksAndVolumes,GetOperatingSystemType,WriteToLog : Looking for X:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll
3/11/2020 4:45:35 PM : 4  : CopyLogsToWindowsDebug,CopyFile,WriteToLog : Copying X:\Windows\Temp\Deploy.log to T:\WINDOWS\Debug\Deploy.log
3/11/2020 4:45:35 PM : 4  : CopyFile,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : T:\WINDOWS\Debug exists.
3/11/2020 4:45:35 PM : 4  : CopyLogsToWindowsDebug,CopyFile,WriteToLog : Copying X:\Windows\Temp\Deploy.log to T:\WINDOWS\Debug\Deploy.log, returned: 0
3/11/2020 4:45:35 PM : 4  : CopyLogsToWindowsDebug,CopyFile,WriteToLog : Copying X:\Windows\Temp\SdShell.log to T:\WINDOWS\Debug\SdShell.log
3/11/2020 4:45:35 PM : 4  : CopyFile,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : T:\WINDOWS\Debug exists.
3/11/2020 4:45:35 PM : 4  : CopyLogsToWindowsDebug,CopyFile,WriteToLog : Copying X:\Windows\Temp\SdShell.log to T:\WINDOWS\Debug\SdShell.log, returned: 0
3/11/2020 4:45:35 PM : 4  : OnDoWork,#aZd,WriteToLog : Deploy returned: ErrorApplyingImage
3/11/2020 4:45:36 PM : 4  : SendDeployLogAndProcessCloud,FileOrFolderExists,WriteToLog : X:\Windows\TEMP\Deploy.log exists.

DESKTOP-V3H5VVI 3_11_2020 8_45_38 PM.log DESKTOP-V3H5VVI.Logs.zip

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According to your answer file, it's looking for \\AND-SMARTD-01\E$\SmartDeploy\Scratch\NaviSite Image.swm which is not the share you should be browsing to via the Answer File Wizard. That's where SmartDeploy temporarily writes the file, not the permanent location. 

From log:

3/11/2020 4:30:32 PM : 1  : .ctor,ParseAnswerFile,WriteToLog : The answer file specified image file '\\AND-SMARTD-01\E$\SmartDeploy\Scratch\NaviSite Image.swm' but the image file could not be found.

You will want to recreate your answer file and browse to \\AND-SMARTD-01\E$\SmartDeploy\Images\NaviSite Image\NaviSite Image.swm

Your location path to the Platform Packs is incorrect as well. It is also attempting to read the scratch directory.

From log:


You will want to make sure that's \\AND-SMARTD-01\E$\SmartDeploy\Platform Packs, again not using the scratch directory. 

Also, it looks as though the existing partitioning on the Latitude E7250 should be recreated. Once you boot from your boot media in the SmartDeploy boot environment click the link to open a command prompt in the white area of the SmartDeploy menu. Type the following

select disk 0
clean [this destroys all data and partition/volume info]
create partition primary
format quick fs=ntfs

Redeploy and let us know your results.



SmartDeploy Support



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When you created your answer file, did you create a cloud answer file?



I would suggest recreating your answer file and ensure you select the Cloud Storage Provider option. During the process you will connect to your cloud provider and browse to your image. If you still have issues, please create a ticket here and reference this thread and I can investigate further.



SmartDeploy Support

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