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Unjoin Domain before reimaging

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Anyway I can unjoin a machine before imaging it? We sometimes reimage the same machine but under a different name depending on the department, which causes duplicates in AD.

When we reimage and rename the same machine and join it to AD, it adds the same machine but under a different name. Can we run a task before the image is applied to unjoin the domain? Without asking the techs to manually remove the machine from AD before imaging?

Something like:

cmd.exe /C wmic.exe /interactive:off ComputerSystem Where name="%computername%" call UnJoinDomainOrWorkgroup UserName="ad" Password="password"

The above command works in a normal cmd.exe interface when I run it inside windows. How can I do that through smartdeploy? 


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Hi Yousef,

Unfortunately, this is not a capability of SmartDeploy. We do include the ability to execute Tasks in WindowsPE right before the image is applied, but it would not be feasible to disjoin a computer from the domain in this context, as this command would need to be executed within the full Windows OS prior to deployment. 


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Hi Yousef,

There's really not a practical option for this, unfortunately - a preimage Task can be any command line, but it only executes once you've initiated the deployment. So creating a conditional task like you're describing, or one which waits for user input before proceeding, really wouldn't be supported.


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