Here are some handy logs and locations to check out if you run into any deployment issues.
You can always view the following logs in: C:\Windows\Debug
- Deploy.log is created by SmartDeploy Enterprise and will show you deployment errors that may have occurred with SmartDeploy.
- Netseteup.log will show any issues with the deployed machine joining the domain.
If you are running windows 7, the windows setup logs are located in C:\Windows\Panther
If you are having issues with drivers on your
So you have installed SmartDeploy Enterpise, and are ready to capture your first WIM? Great!
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to capture a virtual machine and turn it into WIM (Windows Imaging Format) using SmartDeploy.
1. Open the Capture Wizard by going to Start– All Programs – SmartDeploy – SmartDeploy Enterprise – Capture Wizard.
2. Select Next on the Welcome to the Capture Wizard page to proceed to the Virtual Hard Disk page.
3. Select Browse and browse to your virtual disk fi
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create offline deployment media for SmartDeploy Enterprise. Following these steps will quickly get you a basic offline deployment CD/DVD.
1. Open the Media Wizard by selecting Start – All Programs – SmartDeploy – SmartDeploy Enterprise – Media Wizard.
2. Select Next to proceed to the Select Task page
3. Select Create offline deployment media. This option allows you to create offline deployment media containing all components required to boot and deplo