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Step By Step: Creating Offline Deployment Media



Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create offline deployment media for SmartDeploy Enterprise. Following these steps will quickly get you a basic offline deployment CD/DVD.

1. Open the Media Wizard by selecting StartAll ProgramsSmartDeploySmartDeploy EnterpriseMedia Wizard.


2. Select Next to proceed to the Select Task page

3. Select Create offline deployment media. This option allows you to create offline deployment media containing all components required to boot and deploy target computers.


4. Select Next to proceed to the Select Image page

5. Select Browse to browse for the WIM you have created.


6. Select Next to proceed to the Platform Pack page

7. Select Browse to browse to a platform pack that you have created. Don’t have one? Get a Platform Pack here.


8. Select Next to proceed to the Optional Components page. For now let’s keep the defaults.


9. Let's select CD / DVD disc as the type of media we would like. SmartDeploy Enterprise supports spanned media, so really you can pick any option. It just depends on how big your image is and what media you select!


10. Select Next to proceed to the Save Options page.


12. Select Browse to select a location where you want to save the SmartDeploy ISO. If you would like to burn the .iso to media now, click the Burn now checkbox, otherwise just click Next and burn the media later.


13. Select Finish to start the media creation process.

You have now successfully created offline deployment media with SmartDeploy Enterprise! You can now boot from this CD and/or DVD to start SmartPE and begin the deployment process.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and we will be glad to help.


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