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computer name CEVI-PCxxxxxx


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using smartdeploy we would like to give our own default computer name to each computer.

Is there a way to use the default of CEVI-PCxxxx, with the x = generated numbers?

I have tried to do this via advanced settings and it works but when I do this the computer is not

added in the domain.. How can I fix this?

Thank you very much!

grts Shana

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Hi Shana,

To know what is going on with the domain join I would need to take a look at the C:\Windows\Debug\Netsetup.log from a machine that went through the deployment process and failed to join the domain. You can either reply to this thread with it, or send it over to support and I will take a look.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Shana -

Not sure if you've resolved your naming issue, but we use a very specific naming convention and have gotten around naming issues by using a 3rd party utility called wsname. I've been using this for the past few years now and have not had any problems using it. If you search online for wsname the website (newstuff.clarke.co.nz/wsname) has the download as well as some fairly good documentation. We use it to name the machines after they are joined to the domain and it works great!

Hope this helps!


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