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  1. I frequently encounter Platform Pack corruption upon updating or downloading platform packs (several SmartDeploy servers with different internet connections exhibit this). This morning, for instance, after kicking off a number of platform pack updates last Friday, I went to build media, and was warned that 4 of the platform packs were corrupt. I It looks like the download may be getting interrupted. I really like the new feature that shows when an update is available, and the ability to right click and select "update". Would it be possible to eventually implement some sort of automatic check that a downloaded/updated platform pack is viable?
  2. Maybe I didn't think hard enough on this one. Windows own WDS logs are what I'm looking for, I believe.
  3. I'm familiar with the C:\SmartDeploy\Logs folder, but there doesn't seem to be a log file with information about instances of the deployment process. Does such a thing exist? I have a SmartDeploy server set up in a satellite office, and walked a user through PXE boot and selecting an OS to deploy. Something goes wrong in the process, however, and I'm at a loss to troubleshoot without some sort of log file to let me know where in the process there's a problem. I suspect, in this case, that it was a network issue, so I rebooted the SD server and am trying again. It may work fine this time, but it would still be nice to have log files to show when and where an OS is deployed, and how each step in the process went.
  4. I may have missed instructions somewhere on this topic, but is it possible to use a Type 2 Hyper-V Windows 10 VM as a reference machine? When I attempted to capture an image from the virtual hard drive, it informed me that the virtual disk must contain at least one volume and would not proceed. I recreated my Win10 VM as Type 1 and it works fine. Not really a problem, but I'd like to know whether this behavior is expected.
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