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Posts posted by RPA

  1. I also had similar issue, but I used official MS source .iso for 1903 Enterprise and built clean image.  I did everything to customize my image, then captured and the did test deployment which was fine, then some production deployments on small subset of machines, and no problems.  Then I remembered that I did not install latest updates.  I went through and began modifying the image with updates that included October cumulative update (can't recall KB off-hand).  After re-capturing, I receive 'sysprep' error.  I had to go back into my VM, uninstall cumulative update to eliminate the 'sysprep' error during deployment.  First time that I've come across a cumulative update changing the OS enough to bomb SmartDeploy deployment (and I've done images across LTSB 1607/1903 as well as Os 1703, 1709, 1803 & 1809 without coming across OS updates causing sysprep errors.  That was under build 2.0.3040 of SmartDeploy.  I have yet to have the time to really investigate further as the group of machines I was doing, I simply ran updates post deployment as a workaround.

  2. Within Application Deployment custom pak I'm trying to utilize 'copy file' task to copy some files to the installation directory.  I select the file for the existing file path (it was added in with the files), but I'm at a loss for how I select the location machine location for the 'New File Path' dialog.  If I put in "C:\somefolder" for example, it creates folder structure on the SD Server, not local machine.

  3. Windows is constantly changing what is happening behind the scenes with updates to the OS builds.  For security reasons, Microsoft has really tied the default applications to the specific users.  Even though much of what is being done from an imaging/sysprep standpoint is trying to build off the default profile, with recent changes, the Default Applications notifications you're seeing is by design.  You'll need to do some PS scripting to export/import the default app associations or utilize GPO to pass along the default app associations.

  4. On 7/18/2019 at 1:24 PM, Gutsy9108 said:

    Hi! I know this is an old thread but I would like to know the log in times (the time when the user enter their credentials to log in and get to the desktop) you have for your domain users in the lab? We have Deepfreeze on the labs and have approximately about two minutes with first login and then 0:40 - 0:55 seconds for the next users.

    This really depends on the applications that are installed (and included in the 'default' profile).  I have various images for different departments.  For the specific Windows 10 LTSC 2019 mentioned in the thread, first time login is approximately 40 seconds.  Some of my engineering school's images take 1:30 on first login.  Imaging and attempting to manage software within an image is becoming unmanageable for us.  SD has made it better, but we're in early stages of evaluating APP-V, Turbo.net, AppsAnywhere or similar to manage applications.  Too much change, year after year to keep baking apps in the image.

  5. I've been building SD images since build 1607 (mix of both Win 10 Enterprise and LTSB/LTSC) - Microsoft seemingly is constantly changing something that affects creating images on each successive build they put out.  Huge pain - reinventing the wheel all the time.  Anyway, I've recently worked through (for my environment, specifically for image for student labs where I'm building Win 10 LTSC 2019 - build 1809).  Defprof as mentioned above is good, but with MS changes doesn't properly handle start menu items or default app associations anymore.  I still use Deprof because it handles most everything else I'm looking to grab.  Anyway, here's what I'm doing (not a huge amount of detail as that would be quite extensive, but these I believe are the high points)

    Having a desire to keep more than just the Start Menu layout, I still have a need to utilize most of what CopyProfile does (or in my case Defprof).  I have many items I'd like to have in my 'Golden Image', so I do the following:

    1. Build the image using default admin account and customize to our needs (installed apps customized in a variety of ways, various settings, etc.)

    2. I export default application associations out(to utilize in GPO) 

    3. I then utilize another admin account to run Defprof for the "Administrator" account.

    4. Back under "Administrator" account, I copy the following to the 'Default' user:


    5. I shutdown VM and capture image.

    Once device is imaged and is added to the domain, my users (many are first time logins in student labs & not using roaming profiles), users get the exact desktop experience each time and with GPO, have the default applications associations applied without Windows 10 LTSC 2019 (build 1809) reseting application associations.

  6. I've been building images with SD for builds 1607 through now.  Beginning, I believe in build 1709, MS began changing/deprecating some items in Copyprofile that affected default applications associations and start menu/profile customization.  Most recently I've been struggling with Win 10 LTSC 2019 (build 1809).  Since LTSC already has Appx apps already stripped, I mainly needed to work with getting the customization's into the default profile.  For our environment (for our student labs) I'll be pushing default app associations via GPO.  To get our 'standard' look for each student (we use Deepfreese, so logins for each day are completely new so basically always generating profile on new logins), my process for building images for use with SD platform is the following:

    Having a desire to keep more than just the Start Menu layout, I still have a need to utilize most of what CopyProfile does (or in my case Defprof). I have many items I'd like to have in my 'Golden Image', so I do the following:

    1. Build the image using default admin account and customize to our needs.

    2. I export default application associations out(to utilize in GPO)

    3. I then utilize another admin account to run Defprof for the "Administrator" account.  This copies a majority of what is needed to the 'default' profile.

    4. Back under "Administrator" account, I copy the following to the 'Default' user:





    5. I shutdown VM and capture image.

    Once device is imaged and is added to the domain, my users (many are first time logins in student labs & not using roaming profiles), users get the exact desktop experience each time and with GPO, have the default applications associations applied without Windows 10 LTSC 2019 (build 1809) resetting application associations.


  7. Thanks for the information.  I'll review this, but I found another reference after submitting my reply above that only slightly changes my current process.

    Having a desire to keep more than just the Start Menu layout, I still have a need to utilize most of what CopyProfile does (or in my case Defprof).  I have many items I'd like to have in my 'Golden Image', so I do the following:

    1. Build the image using default admin account and customize to our needs.

    2. I export default application associations out(to utilize in GPO) 

    3. I then utilize another admin account to run Defprof for the "Administrator" account.

    4. Back under "Administrator" account, I copy the following to the 'Default' user:


    5. I shutdown VM and capture image.

    Once device is imaged and is added to the domain, my users (many are first time logins in student labs & not using roaming profiles), users get the exact desktop experience each time and with GPO, have the default applications associations applied without Windows 10 LTSC 2019 (build 1809) reseting application associations.

  8. I have a similar/related question.  Not sure whether eawilhelm is talking about a 'Default Profile' or not?  That is my question.  Microsoft keeps changing\limiting the abilities to make a custom default profile.  Where MS mentioned using copy profile as the standard, they deprecated/changed how default app associations/start menu items are handled.  Does SD have a 'goto' reference/guide example for creating a default profile (specifically for build 1809) for those using Smart Deploy?  Many resources out there are mentioning just using WDS / MDT / SCCM.  As a client of SD for the past couple of years, I might have to drop SD and go that route.  Continually jumping through hoops (no fault of SD) is becoming exhausting.

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