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Posts posted by Cedar

  1. I'm trying to create a Windows 10 Enterprise (build 1809) reference machine in VMware.  Per the SD best practices, I am not installing VMWare Tools.  The problem is that without tools installed, I don't have any network adapter on my Windows 10 VM.  Without a network connection, I can't finish the setup of the machine, installing patches, software etc.  What are your suggestions for resolving this?  Thanks.   

  2. Is it possible to script the capture of an image or does it have to be done manually through the capture wizard? I would like to be able to automate the updating or replacing of an image when I update my reference machine with patches etc.  I tried using SMARTWIM and SMARTVDK to mount/capture and replace the WIM in by Images directory, but the result is that SD doesn't recognize the .WIM as a SD captured image and won't deploy it.  This is what I was trying:

    smartvdk /readonly /mount "d:\Virtualbox VMs\Win7-Image\Win7-Image.vdi" 2 y:

    smartwim /capture y: d:\SmartDeploy\Images\NewWin7Gold.wim "Win7Gold"

    smartvdk /unmount "d:\Virtualbox VMs\Win7-Image\Win7-Image.vdi" 2

    Any ideas?  Thanks.

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