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virtual clone drive doesnt work after deploy


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When i install virtual clone drive in VMware it doenst work anymore after i capture and deploy it. The target PC doesnt reconnize the virtual scsi driver any more (within VMware it did work), how can i get it to work?

I use:

-VMware to make a virtual machine and capture it with Capture wizard

-XP (up to date) for the virtual machine.

-virtual clone drive

Is it because the virtual scsi driver of "virtuale clone driver" are unsigned drivers?

Is there something to let it work?


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It looks as if sysprep is causing the problem. Once run the driver that is associated with the root\vclone device no longer works and you end up with a SCSI RAID controller device that doesn't start correctly. To fix this you will need to reinstall the filter driver that Virtual ClonDrive uses. Please follow the steps below to do this.

  1. You need to get the Virtual CloneDrive filter driver; by default during an installation it is unpacked to the %temp% directory. To get the driver, start by installing the Virtual CloneDrive software on a computer. Once completed do not close the installer, instead select Show details, this will show you the install log. In that log is the path to the extracted driver. Look for Extract: VClone.sys and the output directory. Navigate to this directory and copy the files to the c:\drivers folder in your image (note the folder can be changed just be sure to update the path in the commands below if you don't use c:\drivers).
  2. Next capture your image with Virtual CloneDrive installed.
  3. Boot to the SmartDeploy Boot Environment (SmartPE)and select Deploy an image...
  4. Select Advanced
  5. Select Tasks
  6. From the Tasks tab create select Add
  7. Change the Phase to First Boot as System and the command to "c:\drivers\devcon.exe install c:\drivers\VClone.inf root\vclone"

This should fix up the Virtual CloneDrive driver that's giving you the problem. You can test this process in the computer that has already been deployed to ensure that it works correctly for you.



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I was to fast with my reaction, > i did work when i entered the command "c:\drivers\devcon.exe install c:\drivers\VClone.inf root\vclone" on a machine that was already imaged. So thats works fine.

But when i try to apply the command in "FIRSTBOOT" it doesnt work. I had to make a batch file, and run it in the "FIRSTLOGIN" fase option. Then it works. Only i have to start up the machine the first time with a admin account... When i try to run the batch file(or command) in the first boot fase it doesnt work.

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