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Walter Rmz

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Everything posted by Walter Rmz

  1. I'm having issues creating Media to boot. This happened just recently that I added a 2nd drive and moved the SmartDeploy Folder to it. When ready to extract SMRTPE image it gives an error "Media Wizard, An Exception has Occurred. Media Wizard Will Now Close" It was working before and now it's not, any advice? Thanks in advance. Media.log
  2. Hello Guys! I haven't seen any real help about this. Since last time I posted I found the Solution to correctly run the Script as Admin. In my example I'm trying to create a URL Shortcut in the Public Desktop Create and Application Pack that will contain 3 tasks (1. Copy File/Folder, 2. Copy File/Folder and 3. Run Command) The First Task will copy my custom icon to the WINDOWS Folder. The Second Task will copy the PS1 file to the Public Pictures Folder. I'm using the Public Pictures Folder because there's no restriction to copy files there. No worries because we will delete the file later. The Third Task will Run the CMD File to RUN the PS1 file. Create your CMD file that will have the code to Run the PS1 file with the following: Powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass start-process "PowerShell.exe C:\Users\Public\Pictures\filename.ps1" -verb runas (-executionpolicy bypass allows to run the ps1 file without errors and start-process "PowerShell.exe filelocation" -verb runas allows you to run PowerShell as Admin). Create the PS1 Scrip to create the Shortcut $shortcut_name = "Shortcut" (Shortcut Name) $shortcut_target = "http://webaddress" (URL of the page for your shortcut) $sh = new-object -com "WScript.Shell" (Creates the process) $p = $sh.SpecialFolders.item("AllUsersDesktop") (Location for your Shortcut. In this case trying to create it in the Public Desktop Folder running PowerShell without Admin privileges is not possible). $lnk = $sh.CreateShortcut( (join-path $p $shortcut_name) + ".lnk" ) $lnk.TargetPath = $shortcut_target $lnk.IconLocation = "C:\Windows\SharePoint.ico" (Icon path was set in the FIRST TASK) $lnk.Save() (Creates the Shortcut) del C:\Users\Public\Pictures\filename.ps1 (Deletes the PS1 file from the PUBLIC PICTURES FOLDER) This was the only way I could figure it out to Run PowerShell in Admin Mode and being able to create or copy stuff in folders that otherwise can be copied without Admin Permission. Hope It will be helpful. Cheers!!
  3. Hi Jeff! I tried to follow the instruction doing the following: [ApplicationsFolder]\Teams Registry Key\Files\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file RegistryChange.ps1 powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file [ApplicationsFolder]\Teams Registry Key\Files\RegistryChange.ps1 powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file "[ApplicationsFolder]\Teams Registry Key\Files\RegistryChange.ps1" [ApplicationsFolder]powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file "\Teams Registry Key\Files\RegistryChange.ps1" Still not luck. Hope we could get some help with this. Thanks!
  4. Hi Guys! Have you get any Answer\Solution to this Issue? I'm having the same issue and I'll love to be able to copy and run. Thanks!
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