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  1. Is there a way to add one more reboot or logoff to this script? Have it so that it logs on twice as admin to install programs, but am planning on having someone different log in after the process is done and would like to have them back at the logon screen.
  2. Has anyone run into issues installing Antivirus via tasks in an answer file? Trying to install AVG Business 2013 from a batch file that is in my image. The batch runs installation fine when I double click on it as will as run it from a command prompt from the desktop, but doesn't seem to want to install via the task command that I have given it in smartdeploy. Everything that I need to run the batch, including the batch, is in the root of C:\ Here's the section of the answer file where I tell it to run the batch: <task> <phase>FIRSTBOOT</phase> <command>cmd.exe /c c:\AvgSetup.bat</command> </task> Here's the batch: @ECHO OFF REM AVG Setup Batch IF NOT DEFINED PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 ( IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% EQU x86 ( SET SETUP="C:\avg_ipw_x86_all_2013_3553a11388.exe" ) ELSE ( SET SETUP="C:\avg_ipw_x64_all_2013_3553a11388.exe" )) ELSE ( SET SETUP="C:\avg_ipw_x64_all_2013_3553a11388.exe" ) IF NOT EXIST %SETUP% GOTO NoSetup REM Start AVG Setup %SETUP% /ConfigFilePath="C:\AvgSetup.ini" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 goto AvgErr goto End :AvgErr ECHO Error while installing AVG goto End :WrongPlatform ECHO Installation file does not support this OS platform(x86 vs x64) goto End :NoSetup ECHO Missing installation files REM Continue batch processing :End ECHO setup returned %ERRORLEVEL%
  3. Thanks, so currently there is no method for remote deployment?
  4. Would someone mind posting step-by-step instructions for being able to use UltraVNC with SmartDeploy?
  5. I have four different .wims that I deploy on various machines. Is there a way that I can build a custom answer file where everything is automated except for selecting which image to deploy and the computer name? Thanks.
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